The course unit  will focus on vocabulary and expressions used in a work environment, formal expressions and honorific language used in business contexts, choosing appropriate speech levels to be used in a work environment, preparing a CV in Japanese and face interviews with confidence, writing business emails and correspondences using appropriate expressions. It will give an opportunity to learn about work culture in Japan and business etiquette.

This course focuses on developing higher language skills. This will include further enhancing the knowledge on grammar, vocabulary and Kanji learned in the intermediate and pre-advanced levels, enhancing the four language skills to engage in effective oral and written communication, deepening the socio-cultural knowledge needed for effective communication. Also, more time will be given for analyzing the main contention of a long text, critically evaluating, and synthesizing own solutions to a problem and  conducting practical conversation in various situations managing speech levels properly.
Further, enough opportunity is given to d
eepen the understanding of Japan, Japanese culture, and recent developments in the society.

In this course the students get an opportunity to design a short Japanese Course to be taught within the university. Using the theoretical knowledge gained in JPN 3143.